What Are The Advantages Of High Polymer Polyethylene Liners That Are Attracted To And Used By The Industry?

2023/09/27 14:44

Ultra-high polymer polyethylene liner is widely used in electric power, steel mills, coal mines and other industries, what are the advantages of the product is attracted by these industries and use it? In this article, the manufacturer introduces you to the advantages of using high polymer polyethylene liner according to the function of the product.

  Polymer polyethylene liner service life is higher than steel, abrasion resistance is carbon steel and stainless steel 3 ~ 7 times; friction coefficient is small, self-lubricating, non-absorbent, non-bonding material, high impact strength, good overall mechanical properties, acid, alkali, salt corrosion resistance, non-aging, low temperature resistance, hygiene and non-toxicity, lightweight, specific gravity of steel is 1/8. Therefore, it is the use of bulk material storage and transport equipment lined with the better materials, such as storage bins, flow tanks. Therefore, it is a better material for bulk material storage and transport equipment lining, such as storage silo, flow channel, etc.

  High polymer polyethylene liner plate this high wear-resistant plate to adapt to a variety of environmental conditions under the installation of the application, can be designed into a collocation connection structure can be customised according to user requirements, to facilitate maintenance. Such as operating conditions are very difficult to install the coal mine underground hopper, chute, metallurgical industry, such as the application of feed hopper, can completely solve the conveying process of bonding and the material of this difficult problem, to achieve safe, efficient and normal production; Specific polymer polyethylene liner price welcome to call the manufacturer.

 High Polymer Polyethylene Liners

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